About Y-DEEP

Where Digital Skills meet youth entrepreneurship

Y-DEEP aims to create an international network of young digital entrepreneurs driving positive change by empowering young people with digital skills and entrepreneurship knowledge.
Holistic Development
Y-DEEP goes beyond just technical skills. We focus on building well-rounded changemakers by fostering analytical abilities, communication mastery, and leadership qualities alongside digital skills and entrepreneurial knowledge.
Real-Life Experiences
We provide our participants with opportunities to apply their learning in real-life settings. Through practical experiences and hands-on projects, the youths gain valuable insights and develop crucial entrepreneurship and leadership skills that are vital for success in today's world.
International Network
Y-DEEP fosters an international network of young digital entrepreneurs, enabling collaboration and the exchange of ideas across borders. This creates a supportive ecosystem that amplifies the impact of their efforts and encourages innovation on a global scale.
Focus on Impact
Y-DEEP doesn't just create entrepreneurs; it cultivates change agents. The program emphasizes using entrepreneurial skills to address community challenges and create a positive social impact.

Our Statistics







Partner Organizations

Youth Digital Entrepreneurship Exchange Program
Youth Digital Entrepreneurship Exchange Program
Youth Digital Entrepreneurship Exchange Program